Port of the ec2t ethernet driver to the bitsy kernel
Warning: This driver has not been extensively tested, and only works in the 3rd ed.
I added a function to devpcmcia.c based on pcmspecial() from the pc kernel, The point of this function is to fetch the version string from the card, as this is used by the ec2t driver to support different kinds of ec2t cards. This has only been tested w/ the Linksys PCM100 v2 card and the single slot PCMCIA adapter for the bitsy.
sacfiles/cpurc all of these go in /sys/src/9/bitsy
ether8390.c (just the pc kernel one).
pc/ether8390.h -> bitsy/ether8390.h
pc/etherec2t.c -> bitsy/etherec2t.c
bitsy/devpcmcia.c -> bitsy/devpcmcia.c
bitsy/sacfiles/cpurc -> bitsy/sacfiles/cpurc
Last Modified: May 27 2002