download POVray for plan9 here
this is an ape/psh port of povray for plan9. here's what www.povray.com
has to say about it:
The Persistence of Vision Raytracer is a high-quality, totally free
tool for creating stunning three-dimensional graphics.
to compile this port:
- download povray31.tgz (2mb)
- uncompress povray31.tgz
- start ape/psh
- cd povray31/source/zlib
- make
- cd ../libpng
- make
- cd ../unix
- make newunix
- now copy the povray executable in $home/bin/386/
- povray has been compiled to expect include files in
/lib/povray31 so copy povray31/include/* in /lib/povray31
- enjoy...
Last Modified: May 27 2002